Silkroad Studies: Travel and Transport within China


3rd October: China: Rivers and Mountains everywhere
10th October: Qin Dynasty: The first emperor, the army and the roads
17th October:  Han Dynasty: The road to the West and the trade with India?
24th October: Early Tang Dynasty: The trade by sea and by land and the rise of Guangzhou and the Pearl River
7th November: Tang Dynasty: Wu-Tai and the routes of Buddhism and its 30,000 monasteries
14th November: Early Song Dynasty: Resilience – rebuilding a trade system from 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms
21st November: Late Song Dynasty: Quanzhou and the harbours of Fujian
28th November: Yuan dynasty: Making China part of the Mongol Empire?
5th December: Ming Dynasty: Developing the North and Beijing
12th December: The Ming Dynasty in the South: Nanjing and the Sea routes.


The Silkroad is traditionally described as ending in Chang’an for the inland route or the Southern Chinese harbours for the Maritime Searoute. But how did the traded material reach these points or go from there to the Imperial residences and the large interior cities? This course will look at the history of Chinese interior transport and travel from rivers like the Yangtse and the Yellow River to man-made infrastructure like the Grand Canal or the large North-South-Roads  from the Han to the beginning of the Qing period.

Please note all lectures will be recorded and distributed to the participants at the beginning of the next week. This should allow participants from different time zones, or those working catching up with the lectures.

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Travel and Trade in China

3rd October: China: Rivers and Mountains everywhere, 10th October: Qin Dynasty: The first emperor, the army and the roads, 17th October:  Han Dynasty: The road to the West and the trade with India?, 24th October: Early Tang Dynasty: The trade by sea and by land and the rise of Guangzhou and the Pearl River, 7th November: Tang Dynasty: Wu-Tai and the routes of Buddhism and its 30,000 monasteries, 14th November: Early Song Dynasty: Resilience – rebuilding a trade system from 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms, 21st November: Late Song Dynasty: Quanzhou and the harbours of Fujian, 28th November: Yuan dynasty: Making China part of the Mongol Empire?, 5th December: Ming Dynasty: Developing the North and Beijing, 12th December: The Ming Dynasty in the South: Nanjing and the Sea routes.