SILKROAD Studies:  Travel and Trade within China

Birgitta Hoffmann

An Introduction how the Silkroad harbours and depots were supplied and accessed from within China

The Silkroad is traditionally described as ending in Chang’an for the inland route or the Southern Chinese harbours for the Maritime Searoute. But how did the traded material reach these points or go from there to the Imperial residences and the large interior cities? This course will look at the history of Chinese interior transport and travel from rivers like the Yangtse and the Yellow River to man-made infrastructure like the Grand Canal or the large North-South-Roads  from the Han to the beginning of the Qing period.

Please note all lectures will be recorded and distributed to the participants at the beginning of the next week. This should allow participants from different time zones, or those working catching up with the lectures.

Day: Thursdays        Time: 2-4 pm GMT/BST


10 weeks starting 3 October 2024, with half-term on 31 October 2024

Virtual Learning Environment: Zoom

Price Early Bird Minimum No. Maximum No.
£120 £110 8 50

You can book via the MANCENT booking form and pay with cheque or  contact Birgitta Hoffmann for the BACS details or a PayPal invoice.

UK residents can also follow this link to book the course online through this site.

This course can also be booked via Eventbrite.

Birgitta Hoffmann
55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: mobile: 07377 791562