Paul’s Prison Letters

Michael Tunnicliffe

This term we conclude our reading of New Testament text by examining some of the shorter letters of Paul which appear to come from the end of his life when he was a prisoner in Rome

They have some of the most developed theology of the Apostle. But they are also controversial and contested. All of the six short letters we will study have been disputed as to their authorship – some more strongly than others. So this course will examine each of them to try to discern the context in which it was written as well as to explore the message of these texts for today

Recommended reading:

  • Any up to date commentary on Colossians & Philemon, Ephesians and the Pastoral Letters to Timothy and Titus

Day:  Tuesdays         Time: 13.00-15.00 

START DATE: 10 weeks, from 24 September to 3 December 2024, half-term break on October 22nd

Please note: this is a face-to-face course.

Birch Community Centre,
Brighton Grove,
Manchester, M14 5JT

Price for the Series: 

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£80 8 15

Please contact: Michael Tunnicliffe 5 St George’s Way, Northwich, CW9 8XG, phone: 01606 42116 email:

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