7th MANCENT Roman Army Conference: The Roman Army – what survives?


The 7th Roman Army School organised by MANCENT and the Roman Gask Project

The 2021 Roman Army School is going to offer a slightly different view of the Roman Army. Instead of finding out what the Roman army was like in antiquity, we are going to find out what later people liked about the Roman Army and perhaps even why.

What makes the Roman Army special? What is the attraction of the army of an Empire that vanished in the West 1600 years ago?

We have invited a number of members of MANCENT to address different aspects of this, working from their personal expertise.


10.45   Welcome

11.00-11.30   Intro: The Roman Army – a story of a longstanding love affair?  – Birgitta Hoffmann

11.30 –  12.00  Christianity and the Roman Army – Michael Tunnicliffe

12.00- 12.30   The Roman Army in the Middle Ages – Inspiration or Nostalgia? – Birgitta Hoffmann

12.30-13.30   Lunch Break (please bring your own lunch)

13.30 -14.00  The Roman Army and the Lancashire Antiquarians – Mike Nevell

14.00-14.30  The Roman Army and Frontier Research (tbc) – David Woolliscroft

14.30-15.00   Tea Break

15.00-15.30 Roman Wargames – Caesar as the ultimate strategist?  – Tim Cockitt.

1530- 16.00 The Roman Army  in the Movies   –  Tony Keen

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30 End


Dayschool: Saturday, 15th January 2022       Time: 10.45– 16.30


Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£32 6 50

To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with payment to the address below or you can book via Eventbrite

Birgitta Hoffmann
55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: latinteacher@btinternet.com mobile: 07747 533 070


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