TS Eliot, Poet: A Reevaluation

Barry Wood

TS Eliot is recognised as one of the foremost and most controversial of twentieth-century writers. His early poetry transformed the language and for of modern poetry and his literary essays helped to change the nature of critical judgement and debate. This course will focus on the poetry although it will draw on his essays when they seem relevant to the discussion. The course will attempt a reevaluation of the poetry in the light of recent scholarship, critical assessment and debate and will involve close examination of early work — ‘Prufrock’, ‘Preludes’, ‘Gerontion’ – but will concentrate particular attention THE WASTE LAND as his major work in the 1920s. The course will conclude with a discussion of ‘Burnt Norton’ – the first of FOUR QUARTETS.

Recommended Reading.
A good selected (which includes the texts mentioned above) or Collected Poems. Early essays: ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’, ‘The Metaphysical Poets’, ‘Andrew Marvell’, ‘William Blake’. Texts for detailed discussion will be distributed during the course. 

Day:        Thursdays                Time:  10.30am-12.30

Date: 8 weeks, 31 January to 21 March 2019

Cross Street Chapel
Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL

PriceConcessionsMinimum No.Maximum No.

Please send your booking form with an accompanying cheque to:
Barry Wood, 12 St. Brannock’s Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester M21 0UP