Trajan – The perfect emperor?

Birgitta Hoffmann

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In later periods Trajan would be listed amongst Rome’s best three emperors. But what is this reputation based on, and where did this emperor come from?

19 January: Bullying yourself into power

26 January: Responding to the provocation or the lure of gold?

2 February: Providing for Rome – The Baths of Trajan

9 February: Optimus Princeps – Trajan and the Senate

16 February: Pater Patriae – Trajan and the provinces

2 March: Creating a new Rome – The province of Dacia

9 March: The Wonder of the World- The Forum of Trajan

16 March: Conqueror of the World: Rome against Parthia

23 March: The Succession

The lectures can be attended individually or as a complete course.

Day: Thursdays Time: 2pm– 4pm

9 week weeks (with half term break), starting 19th January-23rd March, 2017.

Cross Street Chapel
Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£100 £90* 11 30

*if booked before 25th December, 2016

Price for individual lectures (please indicate which lectures when booking):

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£11 £10* 11 30

*£10 if booked before 25th December, 2016

To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with payment to

Birgitta Hoffmann, 55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: phone: 07747 533 070