The Age of Rail, 1840-1914

Laying the Railway track at Ryecroft

John Cochrane, Martin R. Jervis, Andrew Jones, Chris Makepeace

A national rail network was established by 1848. Its impact was truly revolutionary, changing the very nature of British society, in terms of transport, communications, travel and leisure. Its political impact was even greater.


Jan 10             Dawn of the Railway Age  [AJ]

Jan 17             Railway Mania  [JC]

Jan 24             Town and Country  [AJ]

Jan 31             Manchester – Its Railway and Industry  [CM]

Feb  7               The Communications Revolution  [MJ]

Feb 14             Manchester’s Railway Stations  [CM]

Feb 21             Consolidating the Rail Revolution  [MJ]

Feb 28             Leisure in the North West  [CM] 

Day: Wednesdays              Time:  13.30-15.30

Eight weeks, starting 10 January- 28 February 2018

Emmanuel Church
6 Barlow Moor Road
M20 6TR.

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£48 n/a 11 30

To reserve a place please contact, Andrew Jones  Telephone: 0161-491-2874