Mithraism and other Roman mystery religions

Birgitta Hoffmann

Away from the demands of the Roman state religions or the continuing traditions of the indigenous population the Roman Empire had room for a large number of personalised religious experiences, the so-called mystery religions, whose cults might make very different demands on the use of any given space. Some of these cults very highly localised, such as Eleusis. Others such as Mithras were spread across the entire Roman Empire.

4th October: What is a mystery cult?
11th  October: Ye olde religion – the foreign predecessors of the mysteries?  Of Mithras and Mithra
18th  October: How private is private is a mystery religion – reconstructing cult practices
25th October: What is a mithraeum?
1st November:  HALFTERM
8th November:  identifying cult members – what do we know about the followers of Mithras?
15th November: identifying cult equipment: from Thymateria to lamps to pine cones?
22nd November: The Hellenistic precedent: The cult of Isis and Serapis
29th November One goddess, three religions? Bona Dea, Magna Mater and Cybele
6th December Starting your own religion: The case of Apollonios of Tyana
13th December How many more are there? Mystery religions everywhere….

This course will look at Mithraism and other sites of various mystery religions and explore in how far the written record and the archaeology help us to understand how these religions were practised.

Fridays:  14.00-16.00 pm BST/GMT

10 weeks starting 4th October 2024, with half-term on 1st November 2024

Virtual Learning Environment: Zoom

Price Early Bird Minimum No. Maximum No.
£120 8 50

Individual lectures:

Price Early Bird Minimum No. Maximum No.
£12 8 50


You can book via the MANCENT booking form and pay with cheque or  contact Birgitta Hoffmann for the BACS details or a PayPal invoice.

UK residents can also follow this link to book the course online through this site.

The course can also be bought via Eventbrite.


Birgitta Hoffmann
55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: mobile: 07377 791562