Le Carréland

Creina Mansfield


I’m a liar. Born to lying, bred to it, trained to it by an industry that lies for a living, practised it as a novelist.

A lonely ‘hugless’ childhood in the care of a conman who hid Bentleys in the trees when the baliffs came calling, was followed by recruitment into both MI5 & MI6. Out of this emerged a master of the spy novel and much more besides.

  • The Spy who Came in from the Cold (1963)
  • The Honourable Schoolboy (1977)
  • Our Kind of Traitor (2010)

Day: Fridays Time: 10am– 12.01pm

Seven weeks, starting April 20th to June 29th with May 25th as half-term.

Prestbury Methodist Church,
6 Macclesfield Rd, Prestbury, Macclesfield SK10 4BN

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£88 8 30

To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with cheque payment to:  Creina Mansfield, Beech Court, Beech Hall Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2EF. creina.m@hotmail.com