Creina Mansfield & Martin Jervis
Please note: it has come to our attention that in an early version of our brochure the date of this dayschool was erroneously given as June 2nd, the correct date is as here and in the later brochure: Saturday, 23rd June.

Published in 1966, Graham Greene’s novel, The Comedians, starkly reveals the state of permanent terror exercised by the ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier regime. Greene describes the parlous state of Haiti, by placing his protagonists, Smith, Jones and Brown, into this political cauldron. He also accurately delineates the lethal absurdities of the situation…
Lecture One: Haiti: Living under the Shadow of America (MJ)
Lecture Two: Graham Greene’s Haiti (CM)
Lecture Three: Papa Doc and the Ton Tons Macoutes (MJ)
Lecture Four: The Comedians: A tale of Terror (CM)
Dayschool: Saturday, 23rd June 2018 Time: 10am– 4pm
Cross Street Chapel
Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL
Price | Concessions | Minimum No. | Maximum No. |
£40 | 8 | 40 |
To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with cheque payment to
Creina Mansfield, Beech Court, Beech Hall Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2EF.