The Descent into Madness: the problems of the period 223-265

Birgitta Hoffmann

An archaeological and historical tour of the Roman Empire in dire need.

16th January           Regencies and child emperors I: Elagabal

23rd January           Regencies and child emperors II: Severus Alexander

30th January           Civil War I: The Senate vs the army

6th February          Civil War II: The provinces strike back

13th February        The effects on the provinces: The Rhine provinces

20th February (halfterm) The effects on the provinces: The Balkans

27th February        The effects on the provinces: The East

5th March             The effects on the provinces: Mauretania, Spain and Britain.

12th March           The rise of Valerian: nearly sorted…or not…

19th March          Madness all around: the disintegration of the Empire 258-265

The lectures can be attended individually or as a complete course.

Day: Thursdays Time: 2pm– 4pm

10 weeks, starting 16th January- 19th March 2020.

Cross Street Chapel
Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£110 14 30

Price for individual lectures (please indicate which lectures when booking).

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£12 14 30

To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with payment to the address below. If you would like to pay via BACS or Paypal please contact Birgitta Hoffmann for details.
Birgitta Hoffmann
55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: mobile: 07747 533 070
