Learning to Read Roman inscriptions (no prior Latin needed) Part 3 IMPERIAL INSCRIPTIONS

Dr. Birgitta Hoffmann

Did you know that most Roman inscriptions did not use formal Latin but a set of abbreviations and formulae that allows even people without Latin to understand the inscriptions?

In this section of the course, we will look at inscriptions set up by and for Roman emperors and how to use their intricate titulature to date these inscriptions. We will also be looking at damnation memoriae and how and when it was used.

Requirements: None. the course will provide a workbook. During class we discuss the principles, you will then have a week to practice your new knowledge on the examples provided before a week later we review your progress and questions before we move to the next lesson

All sessions will be recorded and a link to the recording sent on the Monday (or in case of Bank holidays) on Tuesdays by email.  This allows people with work commitments or those following from a different time zone to also participate.  Those who are not able to attend the classes will be given email feed back on their homework, unless their work is (anonymously) discussed in class. Time:  Fridays 11.00-12.00 BST.

Taught by ZOOM

The course runs 28 April until 9th June  2023 with a break on May 19th.

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
or £70 for 5 week course
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To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with payment to the address below. If you would like to pay via BACS please contact Birgitta Hoffmann for details. 

Birgitta Hoffmann
55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: latinteacher@btinternet.com mobile: 07747 533 070