Britain and the Palestine Mandate

This course will be offered through the online conference facility Zoom ( The Zoom platform is remarkably easy to use and accessible.

Five sessions, starting on Tuesday 16th June 2020, 10am to 12 noon

Cost: £5 per session

Britain’s 30 year rule over Palestine between 1917 and 1948 is often seen as a major cause of today’s Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  This short course asks why Britain was there, what problems she faced during the Mandate, why her policy changed in the late 1930s and why she walked out in 1948.  We consider the Mandate’s origins, how it was governed, and the problems faced and created during British rule.  We will ask in what way Zionism, Arab resistance, events in Europe during the 1930s, war and the Holocaust were all instrumental in shaping the modern history of Palestine.

To reserve a place contact Alan Sennett