Michael Tunnicliffe
The Ancient Greeks were at the height in the 6th-5th centuries. Though divided into competing city states there were able to unite for a time to meet the challenge of invasion by the might of the Persian Empire. This period also saw the flourishing of Athenian democracy and the building of works such as the Parthenon. Greek dramatists were also appearing on the scene, and the first philosophers, the pre-Socratics, were beginning to ask fundamental questions. Yet simmering tensions between Athens and Sparta were not far below the surface. The topic will continue in the summer term.
MINIMUM No: ……8…….MAXIMUM No 25 (please check with venue provider):..
PRICE:………..£80. CONCESSIONS?:……….No…………………………………………………..
Recommended reading (for publication in brochure):
Robin Osborne 2009 (2nd ed.) Greece in the Making; 1200-479BC Routledge
Simon Hornblower 2002 (3rd ed.) The Greek World 479-323, Routledge
Sarah Pomeroy et al 2009 A Brief History of Ancient Greece Oxford University Press
CONTACT ADDRESS FOR BOOKINGS (this will be printed in the brochure):
Michael Tunnicliffe 5 St George’s Way, Northwich, CW9 8XG, 01606 42116 mtunni@sky.com