Isis and Serapis in the Roman World

Birgitta Hoffmann
Image result for isis Roman goddess


No other foreign goddess conquered the Rome as successfully as Isis. From the first century onwards she commanded temples and over time absorbed more and more characteristics of other goddesses into her. Guardian of childbirth and fertility, Protectress of Sailors and artisans, her temples and inscriptions can be found all over the Roman empire, and in the Golden Ass of Apuleius she even had literature dedicated to her.

By the Byzantine period she became the pattern on which much of the emerging cult of the Virgin Mary was formed. This day-school is going to look at the surviving evidence for her cult. 

The day school forms part of the 2017 lecture circle on Magic through Time.


Dayschool: Friday, 17th March 2017 Time: 11am– 4pm.

Wilmslow Parish Hall
Cliff Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 4AA

Please note: The car park is a pay and display car park (£2).

Price Concessions Minimum No. Maximum No.
£32 £28* 9 35

*£28, if booked before 15 February, 2017.

To book, complete the MANCENT booking form and send it with payment to

Birgitta Hoffmann, 55 Broadwalk, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
email: phone: 07747 533 070