Barry Wood’s Victorian Poetry Course has proved very popular and is now fully subscribed. We apologise for any disappointment, but hope that some of our courses will be of interest.
Author: MANCENT Course Director
Late Addition to the Course “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them: living on the edge of the Roman Empire
On October 28th, 2016 we are running a dayschool in Wilmslow to address how the smaller neighbours responded to having Rome as an overmighty neighbour. As you can imagine no two people react in quite the same way, and questions of size of the state and the history between Rome and the state/tribe in question played as significant role. After all, while Parthia or the Dacians did have the power to inflict crushing defeats on the Romans, other tribes, such as the Parisi in East Yorkshire would have a lot less options in their response to Rome. However, archaeology has shown that the situation could be very fluid with Iron Age hill forts active within sight of Roman forts, as in the picture here from the German Limes on the Main at Miltenberg in one area, while other areas appear to have been empty of Iron Age populations and there is historic evidence for deportation and genocide.
As part of the dayschool we are happy to announce that Prof Euan MacKie from the University of Glasgow has agreed to come and talk to us about how the residents of the Iron Age Brochs in Western Scotland interacted with Rome and how the archaeological evidence can be used to reconstruct their relationship with Rome.
Prof. MacKie has just finished the final report on his excavations on the Broch of Leckie in Stirlingshire and we look forward to hearing all about his findings.
For more information or to book your course, please visit the course site at
More information on Prof MacKie can be found on numerous sites, including his Wikipedia page.
MANCENT Autumn 2016 programme now complete.
And as of today, we have all of our Autumn Courses for 2016 online and ready to be booked. We hope you find them of interest.
Why not also look at our Facebook page, for updates and links to events and resources to accompany our programme.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
More updates for Autumn 2015
As of today all our Literature and Art History courses are now online. We hope they are of some interest.
How to contact us:
For general enquiries
Birgitta Hoffmann
MANCENT Course Director
55 Broadwalk
Wilmslow, Cheshire
email: Phone: 0161 300 5532
mobile: 07747 533 070
For bookings or information on individual courses:
Please contact the lecturers listed for the specific courses.
First of the Autumn Courses online
As of today all Latin and Ancient World courses are online, as well as the first of the Literature courses.
More courses to follow on Monday.
Birgitta Hoffmann
Course Director MANCENT
Welcome to our new home
Dear All,
MANCENT is entering its 8th year in existence and thanks to all your efforts, so far it has been a big success. To ensure that things can continue to grow, it is time for a few changes. Mostly they are cosmetic and, hopefully, most should make life a bit easier.
The first one of these is our new mobile friendly webpage. As you can see, the layout has changed, but we hope that in the coming week the contents will prove as popular as ever.
But as with so many moves to new premises, for the next two weeks, we are metaphorically living amongst boxes and are still finding out, where everything is. So, please bear with us, or even better let us know if there are any items you hope we will add. I look forward to hearing from you.
Birgitta Hoffmann
Course Administrator.
Welcome to MANCENT,
The Manchester Continuing Education Network (MANCENT), is a loose network of independent lecturers and students with a firm belief that Continuing Education at a high level should be available to all who want it.
It tries to match interested students with highly qualified and experienced Continuing Education and Universiy lecturers in the Arts and Sciences.
How it works:
MANCENT operates as a loose network allowing independent self-employed lecturers to choose their own fees and venues, while offering students the convenience of a one stop shop when looking for courses in their field of interest, by offering a joint listing of all events.
Please take a look at our programme.